Members & Reporting

132 financial institutions in 38 countries have officially adopted the Equator Principles.

The table below provides a list of all current Equator Principles Financial Institutions (EPFIs) with links to their annual ‘EPFI Reporting’. ‘First Year Grace’ refers to new members who are in their first year of adopting the EP and are not required to report publicly. In the first year after their Adoption Date, new EPFIs are not required to include transaction numbers and project names in their public reporting, these reports are referred to ‘First Year Implementation’ reports.

It should be noted that EPFIs report at different times in the calendar year (based on their institution’s reporting period) and the EP Association’s reporting web pages are updated regularly. Please read the important notes and disclaimer for further information on ‘EPFI Reporting’, compliance and publication on the EP Association’s website.

View EPFI Reporting Database
Institution Adoption Date Country of Headquarters Region of Headquarters Current EPFI Report
View EPFI Reporting Database